
Windows Server 2016 GA available in Azure! – used it to deploy RDS on Azure IaaS!

By October 25, 2016April 2nd, 2018No Comments

Window Server 2016 DataCenter (14393.321) is now available as an image in Azure IaaS.
I decided to use it to roll out as part of my existing ARM Deployment of RDS on Azure IaaS using JSON. One of the awesome things about the ARM/JSON approach is that it all it took was adding a single parameter option into the azuredeploy.parameters.json file to complete this!

This is where I added the new SKU inside the template parameters file a newly allowed value.

And before launching the ARM deployment, the SKU can be selected from a dropdown box, now with the default being Windows Server 2016 Datacenter.

The entire deployment is now fully performed on Windows Server 2016, RD Web Access now shows the Windows Server 2016, where Technical Preview 5 (TP5) did not.

This version is not available on MSDN yet, so Cloud First, Mobile First!